Upcoming Changes to Commissioner for Oaths stamps

A new law has been passed regarding the text required for Commissioner for Oaths stamps that will affect many of our customers. The gist of it is that you can no longer just have your name and expiry date. There is specific text that is required or you may be fined. If you are ordering new Commissioner stamps we encourage you to use the full wording so you do not have to reorder a new stamp when the changes take place.

Old text

Your name

My Commission expires March 14, 20__


New Text

Your name

A Commissioner for Oaths

in and for the Province of Alberta

My Commission expires March 14, 20__


The new text best fits on the 4913 self inking unit or you can have it made as a rubber stamp also. The new wording will most likely come into effect within the next 6 - 12 months and we will of course inform you when the changes take place.


Posted on January 17, 2014 - 12:26pm by Yung.